MARRIAGE Erika (Rikki) Rose Starr

SIBLINGS Graham Emslie, Adrian James


Started learning the piano at 5 years old with Margaret Jones.(Mrs Jones also conducted the Robinswood choir where Geoff’s Mum was a member). He took O levels at Farnborough Grammar School and then an engineering apprenticeship with Smiths Industries who made aircraft instruments. He worked on the Sea Harrier vertical takeoff aircraft including its trials on an aircraft carrier. Later he worked for a mobile network operator, Cellnet (now O2) and in 1999 lived and worked in Japan as a director of another mobile phone company, J-Phone. On returning to UK, he and Rikki started their own management consulting company. As a way of teaching himself to play the organ, he took and passed Grade 8. Geoff has designed and built a four manual digital organ which resides in the lounge and a two manual portable instrument to demonstrate in schools.